Welcome to WestFit. Here you will find common club rules.
Parking Lot
- When entering and exiting the parking lot please only use the appropriate lane.
- When entering the lot please reduce your speed. Too many cars are entering the lot at an excessive speed.
- When walking INTO or OUT of WestFit please remain alongside the building. If your car is in the top section of the lot near Rt. 110, please do not walk through the entrance cones at any point.
Contact: Shawn Orso, [email protected]
Fitness Center
- You must be at least 16 to use the fitness center.
- Proper attire is required while on the fitness floor. Shirts and shoes are required. No sandals or flip flops.
- Please follow equipment directions carefully. If you have questions about how to use a machine, see the fitness staff.
- Limit time on equipment to allow others to use it.
- Use of chalk is prohibited.
- Please re-rack your weights and clean up any equipment when finished.
- Please wipe down all benches, mats, and machines after use.
- Clean up after yourself and make sure all trash is thrown in the trashcans.
- Use of headphones is required on the fitness floor while listening to music or watching videos/tv on all devices.
- Please take all phone calls outside.
Contact: Jory Adams, [email protected]
GroupFit Classes
- You must have a class pass to attend a GroupFit class.
- Please make sure to sign up in the app or online for classes ahead of time. If no one is registered, class will not take place. Registration is also how we monitor the success of a class.
- Registration for classes opens 7 days prior.
- If registration is full, you can sign up for the wait list to be notified if space becomes available.
- Please remove yourself from the roster if you find you are unable to attend. This allows instructors to prepare accordingly for classes and can free up space if there is a wait list.
- Class registration closes one hour before class begins.
- Once registration is closed, you may only attend class if there is room by asking at the front desk when you arrive. You are not guaranteed a spot in the class.
- Please arrive on time for class, so that there are no disruptions once class has begun.
- If an instructor needs to cancel class and there won’t be a sub, the class will be taken off the schedule for that day. If the class is cancelled within 24 hours of the class time, anyone registered will be notified by club staff.
- Classes will be held if the club is open. If classes are being cancelled due to weather, there will be a notification on the website as well as an email sent out to members.
Contact: Beth Smith, [email protected]
Swimming Pool
- Please be sure to take a cleansing shower before entering the pool.
- Any pool equipment that is used should be returned to it’s storage location so that other members may use it.
- Swim lesson equipment such as swimming barbells and kickboards are not toys and should not be treated as such. These are vital tools used by the pool staff for the swim lesson program. Parents are encouraged to provide their own toys when bringing kids to the pool.
- Individuals under the age of 14 are not allowed to use the hot tub. Please be mindful of this policy.
- For the safety and comfort of all users of the pool, photography and video recordings are NOT permitted for any pool programs.
- Lane reservation and cancellations must be made via the Westfit APP, and not by calling the front desk.
- When making a reservation, please be mindful of the date/time that you signed up for.
Contact: Tom Tringale, [email protected]
Tennis Courts
- Please take all trash out of the court after each use. There is a trash can directly outside the courts.
- Tennis court lights will be turned on at the time of the reservation
- Court booking starts on court 1 and are booked in order. If you book a court, you are not guaranteed that court. Your time and play length are guaranteed. WestFit may move your actual court number to line up with the club lighting system.
Contact: Shawn Orso, [email protected]